Monday, 21 November 2011

Lighting scene 1

I was asked to do the lighting for two scenes. However, the only light sources in the scenes were the tube in the middle and the sun light. The light coming from the right is a pink directional light. But as this layer of buildings is the closest to the tube in the middle and I need some decay. So I've created an area light with linear decay on it. From the left, there is only one light coming and this is another directional light but with blue colour. I've also added one more directional light coming from the camera with very low intensity. This will get rid of any pitch black shadow. With only those lights the scenes looked quite boring.

Here is the render of the scene with only those lights in:

As you can see, the scene is very dark and definitely needs some more lights. Also the buildings need some textures.

I've decided to model some lamp posts and fit them in the scene. I was speaking about this idea with Simone. We've decided on the size and colour of the lamp posts. They will be very small compared to the rest of the buildings. They will be floating in the air and cast blue light.

Here is the model of the lamp post:

I wanted it to follow the concept of the jellyfish. I didn't lay the UVs for that, because it will be so small that no texture will be visible. Inside of the lamp post there is a cylinder with a surface shader applied to it with some glow.

Here is a render of it:

I've duplicated it and put them into positions we've decided with Simone.

Here is the render of the whole scene with the lamp posts in it:

Then I've noticed that the bump depth on the floor is too deep and the floor looks like water. So I've lowered the bump depth.

Here is the render:

After that,I've applied textures to the buildings.

Here is a render of that:

By looking at this image, I've decided to create glow maps so the windows are glowing creating an effect of the light inside of the buildings. I had small problem with glow maps. I thought that they are driven by black and white values of an image. But when I darkened the image the glow didn't change. I've figured out that the glow is driven by the opacity. I've set the window opacity to 20% and deleted the rest of the image. This has given me this result:

Everyone in the team likes this image and we've decided that this is the final one.

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